Self Portrait
"Vision without action is a daydream; action without vision is a nightmare"
- Japanese Proverb
E-mail: AlfredWJLu AT gmail DOT com
Wechat: alfredwjlu

Curriculum Vitae (en)
Projects and Publications
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Little Stuffs


  • Arrhythmia annotation for ECG cloud by brand-new deep network...
  • Failure part predicting based on log data...
  • Lung Nodule CT Dataset Profiling...
  • Welllift Digital Solution Test Metrics...
  • Downhole hydrocarbon and gas species detection...
  • U/S Velocimetry for Downhole Drilling...
  • Automation control...
  • Study on U/S Twinkling Artifacts...
  • Motion artifacts removing algorithm...
  • A cross domain solution for sharing/interpreting/management of medical information for rural clinic affiliation...
  • Screening solution for earlier detection of peripheral artery disease (PAD)...
  • CardiacSimu Tool Suite...
  • PS3/UMD Tool Suite...
  • I/O for SD Card in AVR...
  • TestBench for SSM2600...
  • CardiacMap Tool Suite...
  • CardiacMap Hardware Platform...

Noted: check out my paper list in CV.
© 2024 Alfred Lu - All right reserved