2024.09 two research paper about federated learning is published. One in JAuto, accelerating the training and improving the performance in trajectory prediction. Another in Euro-par 2024, addressing the long-tail issue in federated classification.
2024.06 we present our research paper on intelligent vehicle symposium 2024, bringing forward a safe reinforcement learning policy for cutting-in scenarios in ACC.
2023.03 a paper is accepted by 57th CISS, predicting location of cellphone by BLE signal for a keyless entry in vehicle.
2022.07 a paper is accepted by IJCNN, adversarial learning a deep network for intrusion detection.
2022.03 away passed our lovely pet cat in outbreak of COVID-19 in Shanghai.
2021.11 A dual batch size training method is published in 33rd ICTAI.
2021.09 start my another role in UAES XE BU as senior manager